Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Touch Myself

 And now, so does every officious, glassy-eyed, self-important moron standing between me and my airplane ride.

Wait. What's that? All I have to do is say that I am Muslim and object to it on religious grounds, and my privacy rights will be respected? Done and done! I wonder if I can find a hijab for cheap on ebay. Added bonus? Thirty minutes of hair drying/styling time saved.

As the United States government continues its assault on the good people of this country, I wonder if I should buy stock in disposable speculums.  It's only a matter of time until someone smuggles explosives inside their lady parts and we will all need to be, ahem, examined before we can move about the country. You know, for the safety of everyone.

Here's a crazy idea. I know, I know it will never work, but, what the hell it's worth a try. Just hear me out.

What if we, you know, take a look around the world and find a country that actually has airport security policies that work?

The We Won't Fly Plan for Defeating TSA Porno-Scanners and Airport Rent-a-Gropers from George Donnelly on Vimeo.


  1. The whole point of airline terrorism is to throw a wrench into the works of the US economy by making it so people don't want to fly.

    Ha! Friggin' amateurs.

    Can't they see that if we put our minds to it, we can throw a far bigger wrench into the works than they could ever dream of?

    USA! USA! USA!

  2. It seems to me that the last 2-3 generations of Americans have become spoiled and complacent, for the most part. As a nation, we are only superficially educated, lulled into a lazy stupor by cheap entertainment, and rarely asked to stretch anywhere even remotely approaching the boundaries of mental and physical comfort. Add to this the breakdown of family structures and the sluggishness brought on by being overfat, and you have a population that is ridiculously easy to lead and mislead.

    The accelerated growth of our government entities in the last several years, as well as the economic disaster we are dealing with, may well be what we all need to shake us up and move us to action. This is our opportunity to stand up and fight for our country and be a people worthy of the freedoms we inherited from the work of those who came before us.

  3. We're the richest and freest nation in the world. We outsource much of our labor and insource illegal immigrants to do the jobs we can't outsource but still don't want to do.

    Not only that, but we have the most expensive and sophisticated military in the world and only those crazy people who like blowing shit up and serving their country have to join. (And right now in Congress they're talking about a path to citizenship that passes right throw the Army, which is a polite way of saying that we want illegal immigrants to handle that job, too).

    If nations were kids, we'd be the kid with a lot of money, no rules, a mess of servants, and the toughest dad on the block. Of course we're spoiled! How could we not be?

    It's going to take one hell of a shock to wake us up, and it's probably going to have to result in a significant reduction in our standard of living before people get serious about anything.

    The bad news is that spoiled rich kids aren't known for their rationality, maturity, and composure when you take their toys away.

    I'm fairly optimistic, so I think we'll reluctantly take necessary action while wallowing in self-pity, but a collective temper tantrum is entirely possible!

    PS: Your response was really awesome. To the extent that the praise of random people on the internet is valuable, I'm impressed!

  4. Right back at you, Youngblood! :)

    I, too, tend toward optimism. I also know that the only thing I can control is my own action, and that is where I put my effort.

    Once in a while, I sit in the corner and sulk. Then I brush myself off and get to stepping.

    P.S. I still haven't looked for the monstrosity you so cleverly tried to persuade me to see on youtube.
