Thursday, July 29, 2010

You Still Love Me, Right?

The victory belongs to us. It belongs to us.

There are a few other things that belong to us, too.  Unfortunately, we didn't really want to be the owners of an expensive and destructive medical insurance overhaul. Or an economy that has us hurtling toward third-world status in the next couple of generations. And we could probably do without a federal government that is hell bent on erasing the physical and cultural boundaries that formerly defined our country.

Maybe after taking the keys to the oval office, you realized a few things.  Like, that blaming it on "that other guy" would only take you so far, and that a year and a half into this thing, you need to shoulder some of the responsibility for the way things are going.  Looks like now you're "that guy", and someday soon, the accusing finger will be pointed straight at you.

Perhaps it's becoming clear to you that speaking slowly and with great emphasis on certain syllables doesn't get the masses all starry-eyed like it used to.  What happened? You used to stand at a podium and the heavens would resound with the choirs of angels.  The glory of a thousand suns was reflected in the hopeful faces of your adoring public.

These days, not only is your popularity plummeting among the general population, but high-ranking members of your own party are speaking out against you. Come to think of it, your smile is starting to look pasted on, and the fear and confusion in your eyes are pretty hard to miss. Or maybe it's just my imagination. Yeah, that must be it.

Were you really so arrogant that you thought taking your wife on a million dollar date (I wish I was exaggerating for effect, but I'm not), courtesy of the tax payer, was anywhere near the bounds of decency? Will future generations ask how a democratic country buried its collective head in the sand as its freedoms disappeared down the gullet of the bloated monster it called a government?

I don't know.

But one thing looks to be right on track. What does a man, who by his own admission lacked the experience necessary to lead a country, do when reality knocks him flat upside the head?

He goes on The View, to have his ass kissed by five bat-shit crazy windbags.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for saying so eloquently exactly what I've been thinking lately. Love ya, Mustard.
