The other day, out of the blue, I was overcome with the desire to steal some other woman's man. No one in particular. Any man would do.
Perhaps I was experiencing a bit of late spring ennui, or just randomly channeling Nelly Furtado. Who knows. The one thing I was sure of is that I clearly needed to fill some empty space.
In between running my own business, moving into a new home, nurturing a newly born blog, tap dancing a couple of days a week, working on a major side project, caring for two exceedingly needy and insecure chihuahuas, and trying to keep some semblance of a social life, I regularly have at least 5, maybe 6 minutes of downtime per week.
I'm no fool. I'm aware that it takes a bit more time to start and build a romantic relationship. But, I figured that if I found a man who was already accustomed to having a girlfriend, I could simply get her out of the picture and insert myself, one, two, three.
Rocking my oldest and most threadbare yoga pants, a sweater that long ago lost its shape in an unfortunate dryer incident, a sexy pair of flip flops and a haphazardly constructed pony tail, I was ready to take on the world. Also, I needed to buy some shampoo.
Why not kill two birds with one stone, I thought.
Pulling into the Target parking lot, I was determined to claim the first girlfriend-toting man I saw, then run in and pick up the shampoo. Fail-proof, right?
I walked up to the front door, and what luck! There was a couple on their way out of the store. I quickly managed to make momentary eye contact with the guy half. But, the girl was on to my evil plan. Someone must have tipped her off. Or maybe she was psychic. I don't know.
She hastily grabbed her man's hand and jerked him toward her so fast, any hopes I had of making him mine were instantly shattered.
Had she not been so eagle-eyed vigilant, the scenario would have ended differently, of that I am sure. As it turned out, I was no match for the stable and secure bond those two obviously share.
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