Thursday, September 30, 2010

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

Yes, I am standing here, two feet away from you. Yes, I am looking directly at you, a shopping basket in one hand,  and a prominently displayed advertisement from your store in the other.

And yet, the two of you continue your conversation, conveniently keeping your eyes from roving anywhere near my vicinity. If you don't see me, you can't be blamed for not offering to help me, right?

Come on, throw me a bone. Maybe a "Hi, we'll be right with you." That's really all I need, just a slight acknowledgment of my existence in your world. No? Ok, you can leave out the "Hi", I'll do just fine with the rest of it. Still no deal, eh? No, you're right, I can wait. Given that I am at your mercy, as I've already exhausted my own resources for finding these products, I guess I can't be too picky.

Am I allowed to at least point out that one of us isn't getting paid to stand here?

Wait, what's this? A turn of the body in my direction?

Oh, you. You're good. Because, just when I think that my time has finally come, you keep your eyes firmly glued to the floor and ease on by. My admiration of your creative interpretation of the word "work" multiplies tenfold, as I watch you contort your torso in order to avoid running into me.


Whatever, I'm not letting this opportunity slip through my fingers.

"Excuse me, can you just point me in the direction of where these products are located?"

Well, shit. When will I learn to choose my words carefully?

"Yeah, see that shelf at the end of the store? The one behind the displays? Over there." You point at some mythical spot on the horizon. And in a flash, you're gone.

I don't know. I'm thinking that since you work here and know the layout of the place, it might have been a bit more helpful had you walked me over and then pointed at the shelf in question.

So, anyway, I just want to take this opportunity to let you know that I have learned my lesson and I humbly apologize. I won't be back to interfere with the flow of your day ever again, I promise.

And, you keep this up, maybe most of your customers will finally get the message and stop bothering you with their pesky business. Then you can stand around and talk all you want.

Only thing is, you might be doing it under a sign that says "Going Out of Business Sale".

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Some People Claim That There's A Woman To Blame

"I told her I don't have papers to work here and need her help," the worker said at a press conference in attorney Gloria Allred's office. Whitman's husband "was very angry and said, 'I told you, I told you she was going to bring us problems.' Ms. Whitman turned to him and said, 'Calm down, calm down.' "
She said Whitman's husband "yelled" at her. "I was crying for fear and intimidation. With a face full of tears, I told them, 'I believe in people. And I believe people deserve a chance. I also told them I don't wish them any harm. I just wanted their help."

Man, that Meg Whitman is one cold, heartless chick. Someone begs her for help and she turns the other way? With all her money and connections?

Wait, what? This wasn't a random, downtrodden person looking for some assistance?

You mean to tell me that after 9 years of consistently lying to her employer, after submitting documents, including a Social Security card (now clearly known not to be legitimate) and a drivers license, she decides to come clean and then expects to be enveloped in the warm, welcoming embrace of instant acceptance?

That seems a bit much to swallow. But, ok, we all make mistakes, and she must have been in a really tough spot to have left her previous life and illegally entered another country.

I'm just wondering how she could possibly expect a woman who is now running for a major political office to knowingly break the law.

And I think this part needs repeating. She lied to Whitman for 9 years. Day after day, month after month, year after year.

So she outs herself and doesn't get the reaction she was hoping for.  What does she do? Thank her lucky stars that she had 9 years of steady employment, at a pay rate ($23 per hour) practically unheard of for domestic workers and walk quietly away, knowing that she is by definition a criminal?

Come on, don't be naive. This is California, land of the absurd.

She hires a celebrity lawyer. Yup.

Good old Gloria Allred. This Gloria Allred:

Stated on her KABC radio show her belief that single women on welfare should be given taxpayer-funded fertility treatment if they are unable to conceive.

After she brought her sex-discrimination suit against The Boy Scouts, Ms. Allred was asked if she would represent a man suing the WNBA, LPGA or a woman's college. Her response was, "That's a good question. I don't have an answer for you."

So, I guess now that we can't have people running for office based on their qualifications and stated stances on issues, we're going to throw just any mess on the wall and see what sticks. Got it.

"This is a shameful example of the politics of personal destruction practiced by people like Jerry Brown and Gloria Allred.  The charges are without merit."

Finally, Meg. At long last, I can agree with something you've said.

Count me in for November. No joke.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Asinine Quote of the Day


Despite the question mark at the end of your cleverly convoluted sentence, I'm pretty sure you're not asking anything.  But, that's ok. I'll play along.

We kill people who kill people because they have murdered innocents. That is, they intentionally, and with malice, took another person's life, often under heinous circumstances. So, not only have they appointed themselves as judge and executioner over another person's right to live, but they have also permanently and destructively altered the lives of the parents, siblings, children, spouses, extended families and friends of their victims.  Not to mention the impact on society of a person prematurely taken out of the order of things.

Do you want known murderers moving about freely in your neighborhood?

But we can just put them in jail for the rest of their lives, right?  Because we are compassionate, and capital punishment is "cruel and unusual". 

You want to see cruel and unusual, and UNDESERVED punishment? Current overachievers on California's death row, who had no compassion for their victims:

Lawrence Bittaker was convicted in the savage 1979 slayings of five teenage girls, who were plucked off South Bay streets and raped and tortured. 

Ricky Madison was convicted of stabbing his mistress 172 times in Hawthorne in 2006. 

Randy Eugene Garcia was convicted of breaking into a Torrance house in 1993, tying up a woman, shooting her and attempting to rape her, and killing her husband, Joseph Finzel, when he came home. Their baby slept in a bassinet next to her mother during the crime. 

Well, as long murderers are behind bars, they can't harm us.

Right. Because they never escape. Or are paroled by morons who know they will not be held accountable for future crimes committed by the parolees. Or mastermind murders while they are incarcerated.

When California executed Clarence Ray Allen, 76, it wasn't for the 1974 murder he'd arranged, but the 1980 triple killing he instigated from behind bars.


But, you go ahead and put that idiotic bumper sticker on your car, right next to the one that tells me you "Coexist", whatever the fuck that means. And go on about your life feeling morally superior because you're obviously more spiritually evolved than I.

I have a question, too. A question for you. Not as witty as yours, I'll admit. But I'll pose it anyway.

Have you ever had to contend with any tragic injustice in your life?

And no, losing a parking spot to an inconsiderate driver doesn't count.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life

Yes, yes, yes, yes, a thousand times, YES!

The dirty, self-righteous crooks who thought it was perfectly justifiable to hold secret elections, get paid for work they did not do, give themselves ridiculously inflated raises and just flat out steal from taxpayers were arrested today.

View more news videos at:

It looks like the reckoning train is ready to roll. All aboaaaaard. 

Next stop, Sacramento?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Things That Make You Go WTF?

Good news! The United States is now the world leader in education. We are at the top in math, science, language skills and reading. Also, our students are the most physically fit of all children in industrialized nations.  

That's why we can take time out of their school days for field trips to mosques, churches and other places of religious worship.

What's that? Public schools are not the proper place to teach religion? Taxpayer money shouldn't be spent on such things, given our nation's policy of separating religion from government?

Well, yes, you might have a point there. But, come on, our national, state and local budgets are practically drowning in surplus dollars. What's the harm?  So, our teachers take a few days off from teaching and just enjoy hanging out with their students.  And we pay them for their time. So what? Live and let live, I say.

As long as the parents are fully informed and give consent, and the community that pays for this education is in agreement, who are we to say that anything untoward is happening?

Hey, wait a minute. I'm starting to wonder about you.  You're not one of those Islamophobes I've been hearing about, are you?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cover Your Eyes!

This woman does not want you to look at her. Did you get that?  And she most definitely does not want you to show any sort of appreciation for her body. None. Stop looking. Hey! What did I just tell you?

OK, that's it. Now you've done it. You will be reported to the proper authorities and will have to sit through endless sensitivity training courses. Hey, don't say I didn't warn you.

Just thank your lucky stars that mandatory castration of all heterosexual males hasn't been written into law yet.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

You Are a Dumbass

"Mano a mano" does not mean "man to man". Please do a bit of self-educating before you go butchering a foreign language.

I suppose next you'll be using the term "manual" to describe something pertaining to man.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ex-Muslim is the New Gay

Stay in the closet if you don't want to bring shame and violence upon yourself and the ones you love.

The always interesting and thoughtful (also supremely yummy to look at) Christina Rad:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

We're Being Punk'd, Y'all

He makes some good points, and I certainly can't argue against the need to stand up for innocent victims. But, burning some paper with ink scribblings on it? Seems a little weak, don't you think?

What's next, a beatdown by way of Yo Mama is So Moslem jokes?

Maybe it's the cynic in me, but I'm thinking that Nancy Pelosi and her ilk are behind this stunt. 

What better way to discredit and push back the wave of dissent rising up against this idiotic administration, than to make us look like a bunch of neanderthals whose pinnacle of strategic thinking involves making fire?

Meanwhile, Back at the Farm

While Hillary Clinton is busy earning brown-nose points,  real human rights violations continue, and the world looks the other way.

Oops, I just realized that I may be engaging in Islamophobia.  Man, we really must be vigilant, because this kind of prejudiced thinking can just creep up on us, and next thing we know, we are intolerant of other cultures and religions.


While we're on the topic of religion, I'm no great fan of any of them.

But, you morons who insist that all beliefs need to be equally respected, I have a question for you. When was the last time you heard of a Christian or Jew being murdered for "dishonoring" her family?