Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Oops, My Bad!

Sorry, next time I'll be sure to slam on my brakes before you cut me off, with no warning whatsoever, as I travel at 75 MPH. Please be patient with me as I work on sharpening my mind-reading skills.

Random question: is there some kind of magnetic field in Southern California that disables the turn signals on 89% of the cars on the road? Just wondering.


  1. My personal observation is that in this "soft" economy, perhaps many people are turning down the turn signal option when they purchase their huge gas guzzling vehicles...thus not only do they expect you to read their (stupid)minds when they cut you off abruptly but you are also supposed to know in advance when they plan to turn. There is a word for these people but I cannot type it on the internet ion case my son may read this.

  2. Interesting insight, Songbird.

    P.S. Maybe your son already knows the word you didn't type on the internet.

  3. There's no magnetic field. For many Californians using a turn signal feels too much like a commitment.

  4. JRN, truer word were never spoken.

    This also probably explains why I'm single.
