Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ohhh Yeah, Baby


I'll say this for you. You've got chutzpah.  Either that or you're incredibly clueless and should have your breeding rights curtailed immediately.

All I wanted to do was take the dogs out for a few minutes and let them take care of business, then hurry home and eat something. See, I've been working a lot lately and reaching the point of exhaustion, so I let myself sleep in a little.  I got up so late, I didn't have time for a real meal before my tap class. Then I shuffle ball changed, flapped and time stepped my little heart out for a couple of hours. And now I'm sweaty and starving. But, when the dogs gotta go, they gotta go, so here I am.

I don't even know why I'm explaining myself. There is no possible way for you to hear me.

Because there you are, sitting in your stupid tricked-out SUV, blasting something that out here sounds like the bombing of Sarajevo. And my dogs are so freaked out by your seismic booms that their little anuses have clenched up. You know what that means? As soon as we get home and they feel safe again, they will unleash their malodorous gems all over my carpet.

I have no problem giving you the stinkeye. Only, every time I look at you, you hit me with what you clearly consider your most irresistible sexy face.


Rest assured, the only thing you arouse in me is my fight or flight response. And maybe the need to lie down, because your assault on my eardrums has given rise to a budding migraine.

Thanks a lot, dumbass.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sign O' The Times

I like to have background noise pretty much all the time. Even when I practice. My mom never got over my habit of having a sitcom or such playing on TV while I was working on a Bach partita or a Beethoven sonata.

"How can you concentrate with all this racket going on?"

I didn't know what how to answer her because I couldn't figure it out myself. Recently, I read that people with ADD generally do this sort of thing. Do I have ADD? Who the hell knows? And what does it matter?

All this preamble to explain why I was searching for old sitcoms on Hulu. Found one from the 80's and got excited because I love Tony Danza. So, here's the premier episode of a show that wouldn't have even been considered in today's social climate. Take a wild guess as to why.

Society suffers, and we become less than we could have been, when half of the population is considered potentially guilty simply for the fact that they possess XY chromosomes.

A sad and thought-provoking post at Free Range Kids.